Happy BornDay Goldi Gold!
This is a SUPAFANGSTA shout and appreciation for our braddah Goldi Gold. This is a compilation of some of the work he has done over the years for others. This is not even the half of it but just enough to say, “DANG, Goldi gets it in!” He has supported so many people inside as well as outside our community. Always giving whether it’s positive energy, art or words of wisdom. Keep in mind he does this while maintaining his own situation. You wouldn’t hear him complain either. Well, not too much . HAAAAA! For all he does it’s only right that we celebrate him. Happy Borndayeth Champion belt. Live it up. Enjoy that time for your self and if you need anything brah, I got you. To everybody else, take the time to see how the god Goldi feeling sometime. Never know what he may be going through. FANGGG! An EXTRA shout out to the Jacksons (Taj & Amond) for the idea. It was a FANGSTA one. and I’m glad that I was able to do it! We love you Gold! FANGGGGGGGGGGG!
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