Sink.Swim.Fly cov

DECEMBER 18th will be my last event for the year of 2015. Possibly my last “EXCLUSIVE PRINT” Event period… at least for a while. Looking to do some new things in 2016 so keep your WEB BROWSER’S PEELED!!! HAA!

SINK.SWIM.FLY” is the title of my latest print illustration that I’m releasing to close out the 2015 year. I decided to end it the same way I started it. In January I released a package called “Half Man/Half Amazing” highlighting the artists Stevie Wonder and Nas. People took to the concept well and the event was DOPE( Peep the blog post. HINT, HINT). I love to inspire with new perspectives or some things that I discover during my isolation periods. These times are usually filled with all type of emotional thrill rides and when it’s over, I walk out ever so smoothly with something to share… catching my balance but still GRAND. HAAAA!

Sink.Swim.Fly” is about choices. No matter how overwhelmed or out of control you may feel, there is always a choice to make. If we can just see those silver linings… If the light at the end of the tunnel would just peek towards us right? Most times we gotta look for it. Search for the solutions while being honest of course but… be open and try to avoid acting in desperation. Sooooo it’s up to you! What are you gonna do? Sink? Swim? Fly?

Going down at the families home, The City Of Ink. Time will be from 8pm – 11pm. Dj Mafioso on the soundtrack for the evening. Also gonna have some nice packages for sale. Soooo, come through… see some art. Buy some art. Listen to some fly sounds and let’s end 2015 with some inspiration for the next year. FANGGGGG.

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