SINK.SWIM.FLY Greeting Cards Package

Well, it’s Monday/Friday and I got some more NEW stuff to drop on you all! Friday’s event “Sink.Swim.Fly” was real DOPE! It was cold as a mutha but, the people that came out to see and purchase some new artwork was in the place. Thank you to all those that made it out. Thank you for all the love you have shown me.
With that said, here we have another installment to the project. I’m presenting the “Sink.Swim.Fly Greeting Card Package”. Included is 3 exclusive greeting cards of the artwork presented at the show along with “Soulitude: SINK.SWIM.FLY”… a free CD Mix with purchase. The music is inspired by the art and mixed by “Ben A’frique. For those who likes to wear their hearts on their sleeves, put it in a card. FANG FANGG!
SINK.SWIM.FLY Greeting Card Package is $20(excluding shipping*).
Tagged with: art, artist, Atlanta, C. Flux Sing, cfluxsing, change, Clouds, Craig Flux Singleon, Digital Art, ebb and flow, Fluxwonda, Flying, growth, Heavy Clouds, illustration, life, Love, Mello Music, Premier, prints, rain, relationships, Soul, Swimming, water
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