“Wants and Resentment” Print is NOW on Sale!
The name of this print is called, “Wants and Resentments”. Coming from a male perspective, this piece represents some of the struggles we encounter when pursuing a woman. You can see the different mentalities a man can have and the actions behind them from an instinctive level, to a spiritual level.
You have the woman in the piece showcasing her beauty in a taunting way. She’s sending signals… mixed at that (represented by the hearts/triangles). One guy is receiving the signals and of course he’s unsure. HA. Another guy got that look of like, “Can’t trust it!”. And everybody else is full steam ahead!
I mean we all want… desire… affection, sex and possibly love from the opposite sex. HA. The resentment comes from a couple of things. Sometimes it’s what we may have to go through to get it. On the front end, you can say courting, going out, having to impress with what you can offer, presentation, background check, etc. HA. In the long run, it’s security… from a physical view but also from a spiritual. Helping someone feel secure in being themselves. Comfort… and when you find out who that person really is, you may not want to be with them at all. Then it’s like, I did all these things and they are not who I thought they were.
Women aren’t the only ones to feel that energy. A man can carry a some luggage too. I have seen cats put on that player suit because of it and the funny thing is… he’ll attract more women. HAA. Hey, you gotta grow through it though. Recognize both sides and deal righteously if you can. HAA.
On a side note: It works both ways of course and… intentions do matter in most situations.
“Wants and Resentments” prints going for $50 with shipping. Size is 13in x19in. To order, press the “Buy Now” button:
Tagged with: art, artist, C. Flux Sing, cfluxsing, Craig Flux Singleon, Digital Art, Fluxwonda, illustration, prints
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